Friday, 30 March 2012

Rangitoto Trip

Thank you dear parents  - Melanie Brown, Catherine Williams, Nithan Hemraj, Peter Bromhead, Kavitha Narayan,Graeme Green, Marie Flagel, Mrs Kamuhemu, Max Hodgson, Sarah Lloyd

 for your support and help on the day.


Thursday, 22 March 2012

Reading Eggs

Reading Eggs free sessions will expire 1 April   We would love to continue with this but will need to pay.

The company will give us a license if the whole class makes $20.00 contributions. Students will be able to work with Reading Eggs at home too.

Please contact me or Mrs Franklin-Smith

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Thank you for offers of Help

Thanks so much for the great response.

B.K. (Kyan's nanny) is helping put away our reading books.

Caroline Bromhead and Jamie's mum are publishing our stories for us.

Keshav's mum will be coming to help us as well.

Thank you to everyone for sending in our supplies for our make and do table, too.

Rangitoto Trip   Monday 26 March

Please fill in the forms and send them back to school.

If you are able to help, the sooner the better as places are limited.

Should be a great day out.

TravelWise Parnell Walkers & Wheelers Club

TravelWise  Parnell Walkers & Wheelers Club

Are you coming to school by walking or biking or catching a bus?

If so you can earn points for your school house. 

Ten trips or filling your card earns your house 50 points and your name goes in a draw for a prize.

Get your travelwise card from your teacher or the office.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Volcano Poems

A volcano erupts                                                        A volcano shoots rocks
A volcano smokes                                                      A volcano spits

A volcano blows up                                                    A volcano erupts

A volcano recycles the planet.                                 Building our planet

By Lukardia                                                                Juliet

A volcano can make new rocks                              A volcano is big

A volcano can smoke a lot                                      A volcano can kill people

A volcano spits hot lava                                          A volcano can shoots lava

A volcano recycles our planet                                Building our planet

Kyan                                                                          Sylvie

A volcano erupts                                                      A volcano explodes

A volcano shoots hot rocks                                          A volcano spits rocks                      

A volcano shoots smoke that can kill people.               A volcano

Lulu                                                                            Building our planet

A volcano shoots                                                      A volcano can kill animals

A volcano cracks                                                     A volcano  can kill humans

A volcano smokes                                                   A volcano can explode

Building our planet                                                   Building our planet

Sid                                                                          Maja

A volcano erupts                                                     A  volcano explodes

A volcano smokes                                                  A volcano shakes

A volcano shakes                                                   A volcano cracks

Building our planet                                                 Building our planet

Keshav                                                                  Reign

Volcanoes are big                                                        A volcano is big

Volcanoes are dangerous                                             A volcano it spills rocks

Volcanoes are sleeping                                                A volcano it's dangerous

So everyone gets a scare                                             Building our world.

So don't ever go near a volcano                                   Jesse
Only when it's sleeping                                             

Only go near a volcano in a protective suit.


A volcano smokes                                                         A volcano erupts   

                                                                                    A volcano spits

A volcano  can kill you                                                 A volcano makes lava

A volcano spits out fire                                                 Building our planet.                   

Building our planet.                                                       Casper


The  volcano is on fire                                           A volcano is dangerous

The volcano is dangerous                                      A volcano is big

I like volcanoes                                                    A volcano spits out rocks

The volcanoes build our planet.                             Building our planet

Stanislas                                                              Brooklyn

I played with my toys                                              A volcano explodes

And I played lego banana                                      A volcano is dangerous

And it was cool.                                                    A volcano can smoke

Jordan                                                                   A volcano can kill people

                                                                             They make new rocks for the planet.


Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Week 5

Dear Parents,

We are in need of a helper to help put away our reading books away in the resource room. This job would take about forty minutes to an hour every fortnight. If you are able to help, please contact Miss Chandra.

Publishing Stories
We need some help publishing stories. This involves typing stories from the children's  story books once a week and sending it back via email to Room 4. Perhaps it would suit a group of parents.

Vanita Chandra

These photographs show us doing our independent reading activities.

Maja, Sylvie, Juliet and Emily are working at the Make & Do table.
Thank you parents for all the recycling materials.