Dear Parents and Carers of room 4 students,
I am thrilled to start working here and have enjoyed starting to get to know your children. Thank you to the parents that have had a chance to come and say hi.
Room 4 have already settled in very well to the start of a new term with a new teacher and a few changes to the routine. My hope is that you will hear from your children that they are doing a lot of peer discussions and getting excited about reading and maths. They may bring a book in from home to read during silent reading time if they wish. This term we are continuing the Treasuring topic and will be working on creating our Memory Boxes.
At this early stage of the term I am introducing new activities to the class to support their learning for literacy and numeracy. I am also spending time hearing them read, talking to the about their writing and finding out their talents, interests and setting goals.
Reading books will be going home every day plus a poem every Friday.
Next week (week 2) we will be starting a new spelling programme.
Our term class goals are:
To learn all of our addition and subtraction basic facts (instant recall) up to 20.
To attempt tricky words in writing by breaking the words into chunks.
To learn the important words for writing (lists will be going home for homework to learn).
*** I apologise - I had put the wrong date originally for Wheels day! Monday 13th May – wheels day for Years 1-2. Bring a bike or scooter and leave resting against the classroom on the deck area.
My email is if there is anything you need to let me know or would like to ask.
If you have any of these items you no longer need (that are still in great condition) and would be happy to donate them to Room 4, we would be very grateful:
• Large cushions or bean bag for our reading corner
• Low children’s stools for a quiet work table
Kind regards,
Joanne Whitney
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