Friday, 24 October 2014

Playing Soccer by Nimrod

last week I have been to Soccer for my match. Watch my video to find out the score.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Science! I wonder what happens when . . .

From 11am until lunch time, the whole school had a science event. We loved it because we got to do lots of different experiments. Then we had to wonder why things happened. It was fun. from Room 4.

Making a moving milk rainbow.
What happens when you mix food colouring with milk, then add a drop of dish soap?

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Week 8 is Book Week in memory of WW1

We enjoyed hearing from Jennifer Beck, a visiting author. We read 2 of her books called A present from the Past and The Soldier and the Bantam. She told us how she became a writer.

Room 4 students looked incredible - some were nurses, some were soldiers and some came as their favourite book character. We had a lot of fun parading around the courtyard on Monday and afterwards, eating ANzAC biscuits.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

The longest scarf in the world - retold by the Pears

Today we read a book called The Longest Scarf in the World. We made the story up by looking at the pictures by Claire, JaeIn, Justin, Andrew, Shaun, Jacqui, Valentina.

Today we shared the ipad and passed it around our group. We each retold one picture in our reading book called Night Journey. It was different because their were no words on the pages in our book so we had to put on our green imagination hat and create a story. It was fun! 

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Colours by Justin

Today we wrote some poems about colours, This is my poem. What do you think?

Monday, 11 August 2014

Special visitors from Taipei came to room 4.

Today we were lucky to have some teachers and students from the National Taipei University of Education. They came in to our classroom and showed us how to make a Rattling Drum. We all enjoyed making it and then we learned a song in Chinese.

This is the Chinese name for rattling Drum

My weekend by Tanner

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Tanner's 3d shapes

This is my 3D shapes presentation that I did in the computer room today. I liked adding the effects and the music. By Tanner

Tanner's advertisement for a computer.

I have been reading a persuasive text about going to a carnival. There was a poster advertising the carnival. My reading group was allowed to make an ad for selling a computer.

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Oliver's coolness

Oliver created an advertisement to sell a computer. Did he persuade you to buy one of these?

Max's computer advertisment

The Apples have been studying advertisements. Today Maxwell created an advertisement to sell a computer.
Then he created a video file so he could upload it to Blogger - Room 4 blog.
Room 4 were impressed with his work! :)

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Poetry writing by Room 4.

We are trying to use more poetry in our literacy programme.
We are trying to link the reading and writing processes.
We are trying to extend our vocab and enrich our writing.

Today we wrote poems about the shapes in our world.
Some of us decided to write in fancy Word Art font in colours that are not so easy to read, so we have learned from that.
We hope you enjoy reading some of our poems.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Mathlete of the month - Oliver Harlock

Congratulations to Oliver for this award. Well deserved for all your hard work Oliver and clever maths strategies!

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Valentina talks about Earthworms

Reading and identifying key facts from the text . . .

This week our reading group has been reading non-fiction texts about spiders and worms. We are learning to summarise information by identifying the key facts. We are also learning to work out why the author has written the book. We hope you enjoy listening to our talking photos.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Comments on Room 4 Blog

Dear Parents,
The aim for Term 2 is to have both you and the students comment on our blog. We will be practicing how to add a constructive, positive comment on someones work, be it a picture, a piece of writing or a slide within a PowerPoint presentation. All comments are emailed to me first before being published, this ensures all comments are in the best interests for the students! (As I'm sure they would be)
1. Click on the "Add Comment" button
2. Look at someone's work, and this could also be a joint effort of 2 or more students, then make a comment.
3. Comments should be positive and constructive and easy to read for the students, as we will be using the comments as part of our literacy programme.
4. When students are typing their comment, they will need to be reminded of spelling and punctuation before their comment is submitted.
5. In class we will be using sentence starters to practice how to write a positive comment. A rubric will be coming home in the children's home learning books for you and them to refer to. Sentence starters will be along the lines of . . ." I like your slide because  . . ." or "Your picture is great because you . . . . " etc.

All of the above will be modeled by me in class and during our ICT suite sessions which are on a Tuesday and Friday afternoon from 2-2.50 pm.

Thank you for supporting the children's learning, they have all worked so hard and enthusiastically during Term 1 so here's to another great Term coming up.
 Enjoy the Easter holidays.
Kind Regards
Susan Bridgman

Friday, 28 March 2014

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Room 4 have a visit to the computer suite (Room 20) every Tuesday afternoon. If any parents are free and would like to help from 2 -3pm that would be terrific. Some children are finding it difficult to log on etc and are still familiarizing themselves with a computer keyboard - to be expected so any help greatly appreciated!
Some pic's from last week. . . .

Children are looking at the new Windows 8 start screen, they can clearly see the big red tiles "Mathletics". 
Next week we will be exploring Paint, so keep watching for some fabulous pictures.

What has been happening in Room 4?

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Room 4's blog.

We have had a busy start to the year with water safety lessons, visits to the library and to the computer suite. We are working out what we know and what we don't know and what we need to learn next. Soon we will have some well established routines and are looking forward to sharing our learning with you.

We have been exploring our school environment and some children have been busy making nests in trees outside Room 4.

The girls decided to write a story together about their activities.
They "planned" their story . . . 

And this is what they wrote . . . 

My Bird's Nest.
Written by Maya, Charlotte and Jacqui

A few days ago we made a nest in a tree in the rock gardens. We used dry grass, twigs, stones, feathers and squished bugs. One bird actually ate a bug. We decided that we wanted to learn how birds make their nests. We found a book which had some pictures of nests in it. The book was helpful for us to learn more about what bird's use to make their nests. Our friends watched us and then they also joined in and helped us at playtime. We hope you like our photo's.

Charlotte was especially interested in this activity and wrote a wonderful story which we read aloud to the class.

 Here it is . . . My Fairy Tree by Charlotte

Don't forget that you can add a comment if you would like to . . .