Dear Parents,
The aim for Term 2 is to have both you and the students comment on our blog. We will be practicing how to add a constructive, positive comment on someones work, be it a picture, a piece of writing or a slide within a PowerPoint presentation. All comments are emailed to me first before being published, this ensures all comments are in the best interests for the students! (As I'm sure they would be)
1. Click on the "Add Comment" button
2. Look at someone's work, and this could also be a joint effort of 2 or more students, then make a comment.
3. Comments should be positive and constructive and easy to read for the students, as we will be using the comments as part of our literacy programme.
4. When students are typing their comment, they will need to be reminded of spelling and punctuation before their comment is submitted.
5. In class we will be using sentence starters to practice how to write a positive comment. A rubric will be coming home in the children's home learning books for you and them to refer to. Sentence starters will be along the lines of . . ." I like your slide because . . ." or "Your picture is great because you . . . . " etc.
All of the above will be modeled by me in class and during our ICT suite sessions which are on a Tuesday and Friday afternoon from 2-2.50 pm.
Thank you for supporting the children's learning, they have all worked so hard and enthusiastically during Term 1 so here's to another great Term coming up.
Enjoy the Easter holidays.
Kind Regards
Susan Bridgman
That sounds a really good idea!